Context . New-onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT) is one of the most common complications after renal transplantation and in kidney-transplant recipients is closely related to long-term adverse outcomes for recipients and transplants. The risk factors for NODAT still require exploration. Objectives . The study intended to explore the risk factors for new-onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT) for patients receiving a renal transplantation, to provide a theoretical basis for reducing the incidence rate of NODAT and promoting a better outcome for patients. Design . The research team designed a retrospective study using clinical data of patients receiving renal transplantation at a hospital. Setting . The study took place in the Department of Urology at Xuanwu Hospital at Capital Medical University in Beijing, China. Participants . Participants were 396 patients who had undergone renal transplantation at the hospital, of whom 28 had NODAT syndrome, the NODAT group, and 368 didn't meet the diagnostic criteria for NODAT, the N-NODAT group. Outcome Measures . The research team calculated the incidence rate of NODAT and determined the causes of the disease, evaluated participants' preoperative risk factors-gender, preoperative systolic blood pressure (SBP), preoperative diastolic blood pressure (DBP), height, family history of diabetes, weight, smoking habits, age, drinking habits, pretransplant body mass index (BMI), preoperative fasting blood glucose, triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC)-and their postoperative risk factors-acute rejection, use of immunosuppressive agents, blood CsA concentration, blood FK506 concentration, and renal function. Additionally, the team subjected the data in the two groups to univariate, logistic regression analysis and to multivariate, unconditional, logistic regression analysis to discover risk factors for NODAT. Results . Among the 396 participants, 28 had NODAT (7.1%), and 368 didn't suffer NODAT (92.9%). Statistically significant differences existed between the groups in participants' ages (0.013), weights (P =.032), smoking habits (P =.034), drinking habits (P =.034), BMIs (P =.023), preoperative fasting blood glucose (P <.05), preoperative TG (P<.05), and preoperative TC (P <.01). In the univariate logistic regression analysis, significant associations existed between age (P =.016), weight (P =.033), BMI (P =.025), smoking habits (P =.035), drinking habits (P =.043), preoperative fasting blood glucose (P =.048), preoperative TG (P =.049), preoperative TC (P =.009), acute rejection (P =.009), and immunosuppressive agents (P =.012) and the occurrence of NODAT (P <.05). In the multivariate unconditional logistic stepwise regression analysis, acute rejection (P =.011) and use of FK506 in immunotherapy (P =.013) were independent risk factors for NODAT. Conclusions . The risk factors of NODAT include age, weight, BMI, smoking habits, drinking habits, preoperative fasting blood glucose, preoperative TG, preoperative TC, acute rejection and exposure to immunosuppressive agents. Among them, only acute rejection and immunosuppressive agents are modifiable factors. The application of CsA as an immunosuppressive agent after surgery may decrease the incidence rate of NODAT and prolong the longevity of patients receiving renal transplantation.