Seven cases of clivus meningioma were operated on. The tumors sized from 5 to 8 cm in diameter. They were classified into 3 types: petroclival (5 cases), clival (1), sphenopetroclival (1). Common symptoms were cranial nerve deficits of fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and cerebral disturbance of gait. CT was accurate in determining tumor location and size. Vascular displacement and tumor stain were seen of vertebral angiogram. Blood supply to the tumor was derived primarily from branches of the internal, external carotid arteries and vertebral arteries. Temporo-transtentorial approach, combined temporo-transtentorialsuboccipita approach were used to remove the tumor. Total, Subtotal, and large partial resection of tumors was done in three, two and two cases respectively. Intraoperative technical difficulties were discussed. The mortality of the operation was 14.2%.