Twelve cases of lung cancer with brain metastasis, which comprised 20% of all lung cancer patients complicated with brain metastasis in the same period in our hospital, underwent resection of both lung and brain lesions. There were 9 men and 3 women. The ages ranged from 29 to 65. The site of metastasis was supratentorial in 11 patients and on the right side in 8. The interval between thoracotomy and craniotomy was 18 days-5 years. There was no operative death. Six patients have survived for more than one year. Surgical approach to lung cancer with brain metastasis has proved to be better in comparison with other methods of treatment. Obviously, adjuvant therapy after surgery may play an important role in improving survival. Whether craniotomy or thoracotomy is first performed depends on the presence or absence of life-threatening neurological symptoms. If the patient's condition allows, the second operation should be performed as soon as possible. It is emphasized that in lung cancer patients, pre- and postoperative routine CT scan of the brain should be regularly done for early detection of brain metastasis. Meanwhile, a timely, planned, staged operation may improve survival.