Collaterals is a term in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in human body. It is the branch of the Channels and Collaterals that consists of DaLuo, XiLuo, ChanLuo, SunLuo and FuLuo, etc. Its function are transporting qi and blood, connecting zang-fu organs and limbs, as well as the upper and the lower, the interior and the exterior, and regulating all parts of the body. Collaterals disease is the disorder of the function of transporting qi, blood and body fluid, and the pathologic metabolite interference in Collaterals due to various agents. There are many therapy such as communicating Collaterals with Pungent Flavour and Moistening, Pungent Flavour and Worm, Pungent Flavour, Clearing away Heat and promoting the dispersing function, Aromatic, Clearing away Heat, Clearing away thrombosis, Clearing away sputum, insect and ants therapy, promoting qi, moistening and promoting, Clearing and moistening, worming and moisting and Softening liver, etc.