Recent advances in developing disease-modifying therapies (DMT) for Alzheimer's disease (AD), and the recognition that AD pathophysiology emerges decades before clinical symptoms, necessitate a paradigm shift of health-care systems toward biomarker-guided early detection, diagnosis, and therapeutic decision-making. Appropriate incorporation of cerebrospinal fluid biomarker analysis in clinical practice is an essential step toward system readiness for accommodating the demand of AD diagnosis and proper use of DMTs-once they become available. However, the use of lumbar puncture (LP) in individuals with suspected neurodegenerative diseases such as AD is inconsistent, and the perception of its utility and safety differs considerably among medical specialties as well as among regions and countries. This review describes the state-of-the-art evidence concerning the safety profile of LP in older adults, discusses the risk factors for LP-associated adverse events, and provides recommendations and an outlook for optimized use and global implementation of LP in individuals with suspected AD.
NIH, Grant/Award Number:AG024904;
Michael J. Fox Foundation forParkinson’s
Research, Grant/Award Number: MJFF-
005441; National Medical Research Council
of Singapore; National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant/AwardNumber:
81530036; NationalKey Scientific
Instrument and EquipmentDevelopment
Project,Grant/Award Number: 31627803;
BeijingMunicipal Science&Technology
Commission, Grant/Award Numbers:
Z201100005520016, Z201100005520017;
BeijingMunicipal Commission of Health
and Family Planning,Grant/AwardNumber:
PXM2019_026283_000003; National
KeyResearch andDevelopmentProject,
Grant/Award Number: 2017YFC1311100;
KeepMemoryAlive; National Institute of
GeneralMedical Sciences, Grant/Award
Number: P20GM109025; National Institute
of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
Grant/Award Number: U01NS093334;
National Institute onAging,Grant/Award
Number:R01AG053798; European Commission;
Health Holland; SelfridgesGroup Foundation;
JapanAgency forMedical Research
andDevelopment, Grant/Award Numbers:
JP20dm0207073, JP20dm0107143; Ministry
of Health, Labour andWelfare, Grant/Award
Numbers: 19192257, 20316440;ZonMw;
Alzheimer’s Association
第一作者机构:[1]Eisai Inc, Neurol Business Grp, 100 Tice Blvd, Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677 USA[*1]Eisai Inc, Neurol Business Grp, 100 Tice Blvd, Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677 USA
通讯机构:[1]Eisai Inc, Neurol Business Grp, 100 Tice Blvd, Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677 USA[*1]Eisai Inc, Neurol Business Grp, 100 Tice Blvd, Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677 USA
推荐引用方式(GB/T 7714):
Hampel Harald,Shaw Leslie M.,Aisen Paul,et al.State-of-the-art of lumbar puncture and its place in the journey of patients with Alzheimer's disease[J].ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA.2022,18(1):159-177.doi:10.1002/alz.12372.
Hampel, Harald,Shaw, Leslie M.,Aisen, Paul,Chen, Christopher,Lleo, Alberto...&Vergallo, Andrea.(2022).State-of-the-art of lumbar puncture and its place in the journey of patients with Alzheimer's disease.ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA,18,(1)
Hampel, Harald,et al."State-of-the-art of lumbar puncture and its place in the journey of patients with Alzheimer's disease".ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA 18..1(2022):159-177