This study proposes the following hypothesis based on studies from various aspects and various historical periods in acupuncture: meridians and collaterals are a continuous, interwoven and ordered system of cells with the same active vibration frequency that guides human nerve activity and blood circulation, and acupuncture can temporarily open, unblock or shut such a system. Yin and Yang depend on the acidity and alkalinity of the internal and external liquid of cells caused by the human body after ingestion of food or influenced by the environment. Traditional Chinese medicine can help the human body adjust the acid-base balance, which is to say, adjust the imbalance state of Yin and Yang. The structure of functional active groups determines the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, and the structure can be predicted by using the principle of topology to play a role in the treatment of the corresponding target.
Capital Medical University Xuanwu Hospital; Beijing Postdoctoral Research Program [2021-ZZ-002]
第一作者机构:[1]Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, China[*1]Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, China
通讯机构:[*1]Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, China
推荐引用方式(GB/T 7714):
Wang Tian-Qi.Retesting Conjecture of Acupuncture in Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory[J].ACUPUNCTURE & ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS RESEARCH.2021,47(1):59-68.doi:10.3727/036012921X16273277361777.
Wang, Tian-Qi.(2021).Retesting Conjecture of Acupuncture in Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory.ACUPUNCTURE & ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS RESEARCH,47,(1)
Wang, Tian-Qi."Retesting Conjecture of Acupuncture in Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory".ACUPUNCTURE & ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS RESEARCH 47..1(2021):59-68