Hard X-ray diffraction enhanced imaging (DEI), which is based on a synchrotron source and monochromator-analyzercrystal system, is an effective method for imaging X-ray phase shift. Utilizing an analyzer crystal with high angular sensitivity of micro-radian, DEI can measure the transmitted, refracted and scattered X-rays when projecting onto a sample. It dramatically improves the contrast and spatial resolution of the resultant images. At the topography station of Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facilities (BSRF), we implemented DEI method in guinea pig cochleae imaging and acquired a series of DEI images. Based on these images, the apparent absorption and refraction images were calculated. The DEI images revealed the holistic spiral structures and inner details of guinea pig cochleae clearly, even including the structures at the cellular level, such as the static cilia of hairy cells and the limbus of Hansen cell. Due to the advanrages of high contrast, high spatial resolution and distinct edge-enhanced effect, DEI method promises extensive applications in biology,medicine and clinic in the near future.